Guide on Vision Master:
The Vision Master is very unique due to all his various spells and spell-combo's. But in general can be cooked down to this.
His attackspeed is extremely slow, and this doesn't change so his primary source of dmg comes from all his spells.
His spells are using food as a source and he has a maximum of 20 food.
"Z" spells are single target spells that stack for attribute spell-combo's and cost 3 food. There is 8 spells in the "Z" book, and the order you use the spells in doesn't matter
"X" is aoe spell with low dmg costing 5 food.
"C" is aoe spell with higher dmg costing 15 food.
"T" is a teleport which can be used on creeps or allies.
"R" is (lvl 190) and makes you spell immune and removes all buffs and debuffs.
"E" is (lvl 250) Large aoe spell with big dmg and low cooldown.(edited)
Back to the attributes of Vision Master
Vision Master has 3 attribbutes whichs changes with his "V". Attributes are, "Fire, Ice & Lightning". And when the game starts he always has a default start on the fire attribute.
Additionally when you have a certain ammount of stacks on an attribute and press "V", Vision Master uses a spell depending on how many stacks u got on the different attribute.
Vision Master gather stacks from using single target spells from "Z" books 8 different spells.
The single target spells from "Z" book can be cast on your self to gain stacks out of combat.
Fire attribute combo's:
3 stacks = Dispel enemy
4 stacks = Dmg Reduction of enemies
5 stacks = Aoe spell with slightly higher dmg then single target spells
6 stacks = Not sure here but a lot of fire comes down
7 stacks = Normal dmg buff lasting for 3-5 min
8 stacks = Magic dmg buff lasting for 3-5 min
Ice attribute combo's:
3 stacks = Dispel only your self (Vision Master)
4 stacks = 1,5-2 sec stun
5 stacks = Aoe spell with slightly higher dmg then single target spells
6 stacks = Aoe dmg spell
7 stacks = Ice armor buff (30k armor) and reduce enemies attack speed
8 stacks = max armor for 3 sec
Lightning attribute combo's:
3 stacks = Dispel allies except your self (Vision Master)
4 stacks = Dispels enemies (i think)
5 stacks = Aoe spell with slightly higher dmg then single target spells
6 stacks = 2 sec aoe stun
7 stacks = 100% Crit chance 5x dmg buff , which last for 8-10 sec (becomes crazy strong late-game)
8 stacks = speel imunity for 3sec(but erase all buff except normal&Magi dmg buff)